
2001 Grand Prix GT need components: ECM, Fuse Block, etc.
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Author:  Bugsi [ Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  2001 Grand Prix GT need components: ECM, Fuse Block, etc.

Around 6 years ago we sold my wife's 2001 Grand Prix to a neighbor when we got a minivan for our growing family. The neighbor is now having problems with the Grand Prix, and is looking to replace it, and may give it back to me if I want a repair project.


She had a melt-down of the under-hood fuse block. I need to source a salvage one because it's not a replacement part.
She had an EBCM failure, so she has codes for the power steering and ABS and has lost Magnasteer assist. I know the EBCM can be rebuilt.
She has an ECM code.
She has codes for the EGR and the AIR pump.

Codes are:
P0410 P0405 P1404 and C0550 C0450 C0896

Local dealer quoted her $4000 to have the EBCM rebuilt and replace the ECM and EGR and AIR pump. She says she has a coolant leak somewhere too. I need to look at it to see if it's the bypass pipes or if she has an intake manifold failure. She says it still drives.

I kept *really* good care of that car when I owned it, and I'm thinking about taking it back and fixing it, but I need to source some expensive parts like an ECM and an under hood fuse block.


If anyone here knows of anyone parting out a suitable parts donor, I'm interested.


Author:  Luxrain [ Thu Jun 30, 2016 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2001 Grand Prix GT need components: ECM, Fuse Block, etc

i know on FB the 3800 forum has a couple people parting out some. that may help

Author:  Bugsi [ Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2001 Grand Prix GT need components: ECM, Fuse Block, etc

I should probably have updated that I found my local Pick-N-Pull had 10 Grand Prix cars in their inventory, which I made generous use of to scavenge a number of used parts that I needed, including a Fuse Block, an EBCM ABS-module, an EGR valve, and a donor front passenger seat to cannibalize for frame and foam-cushion parts. With those and some new parts like a new secondary Air Injection Reaction pump and filter and relay, the codes are all cleared up and Magnasteer is working again. I've detailed the progress in this thread:


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