Yesterday I got underneath the dash and removed the panels covering the heater core. I also removed the center console, which came out pretty easily. Both lower bolts are accessible with the seats and backrests all the way forward. The rest is just a bunch of torx screws and electrical connections.
Here's what it looks like with the drivers side kick panel removed. This was easy, just a couple screws on either side and a push button clip on the pass side.
I removed the accordion vent thing in the middle and found all the brass plated 5.5mm screws holding both plastic heater core coverings in place. There are two of them and the come out independently.
Here is the passenger side w/kick panel removed. The center vent piece with the L shaped foam is supposed to come out but on my car the right hand side retaining bolt is placed directly in front of the cash metal lower dash bracket. It's impossible to get it out w/o a u joint socket, which I don't have in 1/4" drive, and getting the bolt back in would have been a chore as well, so I left it in.
This is a pic of the right hand side clip that holds that vent in. You just push it in with your fingers and it will come loose. Just to the left of the red connector.
Here's a shot of the brass plated screws that come out
There must have been 10 or 12 of these. They are all over in weird places, like just above where the flashlight is focused in this pic.
Lastly, the inner plastic covering is adhered to the firewall and I had to pry it off with a screwdriver. You can see the foam that makes the seal in the above pic.
Now that everything is ready on the inside of the car, I backed the car into the garage and will drain the coolant from the radiator and spend some time replacing the heater hoses etc etc and whatever else needs doing. I'll likely spend on hour on it each day in between other projects.